21 March 2023

Today I haven't done much, mostly worked on making printable cards with bear facts on them. I got to visit with my mom and baby sister who live out of town yesterday since they were visiting. We swam in the hotel pool which was very fun, it had been forever since I had gone swimming. My baby sister also let me hold her for longer than 30 seconds which was very cool! Since I don't live close to her and can't see her that often, she is still very nervous around me so it is fun when she likes me.
Spring break is over so I have less time to work on this site now but I will still be slowly updating it and adding pages when I can. I think I might start on my collection pages next.


14 March 2023

Spent today setting up a lot of the basic infrastructure of this site. Spent some time experimenting with how I wanted to lay out all of my different categories and which interests I wanted to cover in the site. Gonna be a while before I have everything set up how I'd like it to but its very fun and engaging to set everything up like this. I've had even extra time this week to dedicate to working on the site because I am on spring break from college right now.
I also spent several hours today scrapbooking with my sister. We decided to do a scrapbook page for each month of 2023 but its already March so we have three pages to catch up on.